I don’t know quite what to say, except that I love what comes out of your head and onto the paper. You make me so happy.

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Really enjoyed that bunch of trees budding out, that was a fantastic poem. I'm a Meiniac, Meiniac I know. Good job.

Sitting here in this village in the south of France, yesterday I had the most productive day of my poet writing life, four decent poems. Think of what you'll do when the load is lightened one fine day.

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What a life!! I'd be jealous but I am so certain that it's not wasted on you!! I love your excitement and support!

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My wife and I remember well the years waking up at five or six, getting the boys ready for school. We both have been working since we were teenagers and we worked all through college. It seems like that's all we've known, so finding ourselves retired is quite something. My support comes from remembering those years. Speaking of which, I was thinking about my sons yesterday and this poem arrived. Take care.

The Brick Path

I laid a brick path from our rear door

to our rear gate, fifty feet thence.

Following my mother’s artistic lean,

I forsook the taut string

that carpenters love

for the serpentine way.

No sooner had it left our rear door

than it visited the walnut tree,

circling it and then a quick pause

at the doghouse.

From there a short dozen brick soldiers,

to stop by, momentarily, my shop,

where enough wood was cut

to awe a beaver.

It finally arrived at the rear gate

where my little son bursts through

yelling “Daddeeeeee!” while running

the entire length

of that curving brick path.

Slowed only seconds

by it’s wending way was

the only time I regretted it,

but I loved my shrieked name

elongated by those same seconds.

Either way, that smile, when it arrived,

followed by a ferocious hug,

will always be a treasure

far beyond any measure.

To my Bradford and William

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Mental snapshots daily! But poetry will last longer!! Thanks for sharing !

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