I loved this Jodie and thank you for how you described me 😘. Your Mom pointed this out to me and Mark and I got a good laugh out of it! Since I saw this, I’ve been reading more of your articles. You are such a talented writer and I understand the need to write…I have it every once in a while too. You’re amazing! Keep up the good work!

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You should do it!

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Love the voice!

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So much fun, stories and music out of one cheese ball comment. I was there when it happened, and I agree that it was a moment to be celebrated. Haha! Perfect!

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I KNEW Aunt Kitty would make an appearance!! You did not disappoint. I'll be pondering a name for the town. Hmm.

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Thank you!

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I believe you’ve answered your own question, friend.

Welcome to Cheeseball!

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Maybe an anagram! Bel Chelsae! Belle Aches! Belle Acres (sounds plantation-y). Belle Chase?

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I also like that “eschatology” is defined as “the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.”

So Eschabelle is about finding beauty, even at the end of things.

Seriously, that’s poetic as hell.

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How’d I miss this comment? And I’m related to the Schabells! Beauty at the end of things! Which is also appropriate considering how many friends we’ve already lost and how I’ve thought about including them in this world!

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Eschabelle is pretty good (and also has the Alexandria tie-in of being E-Schabell-E).

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